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The charming unique landscape called since the middle of 19th century The Bohemian Paradise is situated in the old Czech part of the north-eastern Bohemia. From the archaeological and geological point of view the area of the Bohemian Paradise is limited as the area of the districts Bělá, Mnichovo Hradiště, Český Dub, Turnov, Sobotka and the natural formation Prachovské skály (rocks) near Jičín. The heart of this country is Turnov - called "the Town of Precious Stones. Not far from this town there are other historical gems: castles Valdštejn, Hrubá Skála, Hrubý Rohozec and Sychrov (originally built in Baroque style, later rebuilt in romantic Gothic style). The western gate of the Bohemian Paradise is Mnichovo Hradiště with a castle and with the lapidarium in the St. Ann's chapel and in the St. Three King's Church where is Albrecht's of Wallenstein tomb. During secondary mountains sandstone formations were formed on the bottom of a shallow Cretaceous sea. They are called rock-towns and belong to the most romantic places in Middle Europe (e.g. Hruba Skala-rocks, Betlém-rocks, Klokočí-rocks and the rock-town with the renowned Drábské světničky (rooms), Prachov-rocks, etc. Up to sky rising Trosky has become the symbol of the Bohemian Paradise and together with the mountain Rip - the symbol of the whole Bohemia. There are another similar formations in the area of the Bohemian Paradise - called Sokol, Mužský, Vyskeř, Veliš, Zebín etc. Jičín, the town chosen by notorious army commander Albrecht of Wallenstein (Valdštejn) for his main residence, is the eastern gate to the Bohemian Paradise.. In this part we can visit Sobotka, castle Staré Hrady, castle Humprecht built according to the Italian pattern in the center of a beautiful park in the 17th century, the castle Kost which belongs to the most majestic and well preserved castles in Bohemia.


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